How do you live an intentional life and live in the present? What does it even mean to “live intentionally”?
In this post, you’ll learn more about intentional living: what intentional living is, the benefits, and how to live more in the present moment.
Related post: 5 Simple Ways to Live More Intentionally

What is intentional living?
Are you stuck in your head, consumed with what may or may not happen? Or, maybe you can’t stop replaying a moment from the past?
Intentional living is a lifestyle based on a conscious decision to live according to your value and beliefs.
It’s full awareness when making decisions and navigating through life.
When you live intentionally, you live in a higher state of consciousness and make every decision with purpose.
Instead of letting thoughts of the past or future intrude on your life today, you allow those thoughts to pass and bring yourself back to actively living in the present.
You are aware of what fuels or drains your energy, allowing you to create healthy boundaries that protect your energy and time.
How do you live an intentional life?
You live an intentional life by being mindful of what’s happening in the present moment. You are awake and aware of what’s going on around you. You are also purposeful with your actions.
What does being intentional in life mean?
Being intentional in life means doing things with purpose. You are thoughtful about how you show up in the world. You are mindful of how you spend your time, money, and energy. Instead of mindlessly going through the motions, you are aware of all your choices and understand why you do them.
Related post: What Is Mindful Consumption?
Why is intentional living important?
Intentional living is essential because it allows you to make the most of your time. You are no longer consumed with things you have no control over.
A few benefits of intentional living:
- You accept things as they are instead of what you’d like them to be.
- You feel empowered because you know you have control over how you experience life.
- You are no longer mindlessly going through the motions and letting life pass you.
- You experience life more fully because you are present and active in how you show up in life.
How to live in the present
- Focus on your breath. Take a few long, deep breaths and notice how the air fills and leaves your body.
- Notice your surroundings. Bring awareness to where you are in the present moment.
- Express gratitude for the present. Seek out things in your current life to be grateful for. Take a moment to let go of past and future expectations and express gratitude for where you are now.
- Be mindful of where you spend your time and energy. Take inventory of the energy drainers and uplifters. Become ok with saying ‘no’ to things that don’t serve you and allow yourself grace to rest and re-energize when needed.
- Spend time away from your phone. Look up from your screen and pull yourself out of the digital world. Bring yourself back into your current surroundings.
- Close your eyes and check in with yourself. Do a quick body scan. Notice how you’re feeling physically and mentally right now. Are there areas of your body that are tense? Take a moment to stretch out that area. Are you feeling mentally drained? Take a few mindful breaths or get fresh air.
There are so many ways to stay in the present. What will you do to be more mindful and intentional in your life?
Related post: How to Recharge Yourself When You’re Feeling Drained
Intentional Living Quotes

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