Hi friends! It’s the start of a new month, so time for another Month in Review blog!
I started this monthly series as a way to bring you into my world a little more.
In this series, I fill you in on what’s happened in the past month and talk about new goals I’m setting for the upcoming month.
You will also find challenges and questions for you to consider when thinking about your monthly goals this month!
You can see what goals I previously set for March here: Month in Review + March 2021 Goals.
So, let’s get into it!

Disclosure: Lifestyle by Remi is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Please read the full disclosure here.
Month in Review – March 2021
March is starting to get a bad rep. For the second year in a row, March has successfully been one of the most confusing, scary, and, oddly enlightening months.
Let’s start with the scary.
Sadly, this is the second month in a row where I’ve had to reflect on all the AAPI hate crimes happening.
Elderly Asian Americans are still being beaten up with no bystander intervention.
There was a “slap an Asian” challenge, and there was a mass shooting.
*takes deep breath*
March was a heavy month. It was hard to navigate all the fear, pain, and anger but what got me through was my community.
AAPI community conversations through Clubhouse, AAPI townhalls, or Instagram Lives were my therapy sessions.
I felt a great sense of community listening to everyone’s stories, reactions, and thoughts on how we help and move forward. It made me feel seen and less alone in my pain.
There’s still so much work needed to combat racism but continuing to learn, speak up, and amplify AAPI/POC voices is a vital first step.
Looking for ways to help the AAPI community?
The AAPI Community Resources page is a space for anyone wanting to learn more about the history of Asians in America, the Asian American experience, and ways to help the community.
Feeling drained or out-of-it due to recent events?
Check out this post here: How to Recharge Yourself When You’re Feeling Drained.
March validated what I wanted in life. There were so many little tests and curveballs thrown at me from the universe that forced me to sit with my future goals.
Lots of deep thinking, self-discovering, and questioning my sanity happened.
All these little tests brought me face-to-face with my fear and ego.
It made me sit with uncomfortable thoughts but, in the end, allowed me to work on getting rid of some of my deep-rooted limiting beliefs.
I’m thankful for the thirty-one-day “mental detox” March provided, but I am SO ready for a new month!
Related post: How to Reset and Set Monthly Goals
April 2021 Goals
This month I want to pay more attention to where I’m placing my energy throughout the day.
I’m going to avoid spending too much time on energy drainers (i.e., scrolling through social media, focusing on negative thoughts) and spend more time on energy givers (i.e., FaceTime with friends, going outside for fresh air).
Monthly challenge: Make a list of the energy drainers and givers in your life. What is an energy giver you will spend more time on this month?
I have a hard time sleeping on time because my mind is always racing. There are so many things I feel like I need to do right then and there.
We are not our best when we’re sleep-deprived. The most successful people prioritize their sleep hygiene because they recognize how much of a difference it makes in how you show up in life.
That’s why this month I will try to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night and avoid looking at my phone in bed to help reduce my brain’s alertness before bedtime.
Monthly challenge: Take a look at your current night routine. What is one small habit you can add (or remove) to improve your sleep game?
Related post: 11 Game-Changing Products for Better Sleep
Goal setting can be overwhelming and intimidating! The easy part is often choosing a goal, and the hard part is figuring out the steps to get there.
Recently, I listened to an Arianna Huffington interview on The Ultimate Health Podcast where she talked about burnout and the benefits of microsteps.
I loved the idea of breaking down big goals into small achievable steps versus trying to find ways to accomplish them all at once. Again, finding ways to focus my energy and thoughts.
For those interested, here’s a link to the book she was promoting and the podcast episode she was on.
Monthly challenge: Add one microstep to your daily routine.
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What goals are you setting this month? I would love to hear from you either in the comment section below or hit me up on Facebook or Instagram.
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Disclosure: Lifestyle by Remi is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Please read the full disclosure here.
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