What is a growth mindset? A growth mindset is a belief that you can develop your traits, talents, and characteristics.
Your traits are not static. You can continuously develop them with purposeful effort.
Keep reading to learn more about what a growth mindset is and find seven ways to cultivate one.
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What is a Growth Mindset?
First, let’s start by defining a “fixed mindset” versus a “growth mindset.”
Fixed Mindset
A fixed mindset is when you believe that your character, intelligence, and ability are static and can’t be developed or changed.
“It is what it is.”
Your success is rooted in proving yourself because you believe your traits are what they are.
You limit yourself and don’t stretch to become more than you already are.
Related post: What are Limiting Beliefs?
Growth Mindset
A growth mindset thrives on challenges and sees everything as an opportunity to learn and be better.
You see mistakes as opportunities to learn instead of shaming yourself.
With a growth mindset, you feel empowered because your current traits or talents do not limit you.
You are constantly developing and stretching your talents.
You don’t seek approval or validation because you know you’re growing and evolving daily.
Now that you know the difference between these two mindsets, here are some tips for cultivating a growth mindset.
Growth Mindset Tips
Use “yet” statements.
An easy way to start shifting your mindset is to add the word “yet” to the end of sentences.
For example, “I can’t cook well YET.” “I don’t know how to do this YET.”
Adding the word “yet” leaves the door open for you to eventually accomplish those things you cannot do right now.
Growth mindset affirmations.
Repeat positive growth mindset statements to shift your energy to one that cultivates development.
For example, repeat mantras like “I embrace challenges,” “Mistakes are how I learn; they do not define me.” “I can do anything I put my mind to.”
Related post: The Power of Words and Positive Affirmations
Ask for feedback.
When something doesn’t go the way you want it to, ask somebody to provide feedback to help you grow.
Feedback helps streamline your learning because you know what to focus on.
Or, you can ask yourself for feedback by asking questions like, “How can I show up better next time?” and “What can I do next time to have a better outcome?”
Reward the effort instead of the outcome.
Focus on the journey and the process rather than the goal.
Any movement you take towards developing yourself is worth celebrating!
Even if you’re not where you want to be (YET!), you are not letting yourself stay in the same place.
You should be proud of the effort you put in.
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Mistakes = opportunities for growth.
Mistakes are necessary parts of the learning process to come back even better.
They help shine a light on where you need to focus your efforts.
So, instead of feeling shame over a mistake, be grateful for the learning opportunity.
Cultivate a beginner’s mindset.
Drop expectations for how things “should be” and be open to all possibilities and outcomes.
Lead with an open mind and cultivate your curiosity.
You can always find a growth opportunity in any situation – what you seek, you will find.
Embrace imperfection.
Find passion in the learning process and embrace being bad at something.
Find appreciation for things not being perfect because that just means there’s so much room to get even better!
You are constantly evolving and developing.
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