You know that feeling.
You had a great Friday night binging Netflix at home.
Saturday, you were able to do errands and catch up with friends over a couple of glasses of wine.
And then, Sunday.
Sunday, you wake up and remember that today is your last day of freedom.
You start to remember all the things you didn’t have a chance to get to this weekend.
And now all you can think about is how NOT fun work is compared to this lovely weekend you just had.
The Sunday scaries are no fun!
What are the “Sunday scaries”?
The Sunday scaries are the feeling of overwhelming dread about the looming work week.
This sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach can be caused by:
- Being hungover
- The anticipation of what needs to get done
- Going to a job or environment that you don’t like
- The realization that tomorrow you have to go back to the “real world.”
It can be tough to get past the anxiety we begin to feel.
It can take over and take us out of the present moment to no longer enjoy our day.
So, how do we push through and overcome this feeling of dread?
Here are a few ways to help fight off the Sunday scaries:

Take deep breaths
According to the American Institute of Stress, deep breathing can help promote a state of calmness in your mind.
Specific techniques and forms of meditation help bring attention away from your thoughts and back to the body.
Write a list of your tasks and how you’re going to accomplish them
Breathing and journaling are my go-to’s when I start to feel overwhelmed with anxiety.
I immediately grab my journal and write (i.e., word vomit) all the things building up in my mind about the upcoming week. I write out EVERYTHING to clear my head.
If you’re anxious about your upcoming to-do list, I recommend mapping out how you plan to conquer each item. It can show you the path to the end of the week.
Most of the time when I do this, I realize that what I was stressing over is not as big of a deal as I was making it.
It’s normal to feel anxious about the upcoming week. If you’re feeling especially overwhelmed, it might be helpful to take a moment to sit with your thoughts and consider why they’re making you feel this way.
What’s the root cause of all this pressure? Is it something more significant?
Do small tasks to get your mind off of the future.
Organize a room. Put away items on your desk that have piled up.
Try to focus on the present and what you can do now. Remember that you are in control of your thoughts.
Divert those feelings and put them into something more productive! Moving your body can help ease the tension in your body and shift your focus to something else.
Set your alarm a little earlier on Monday
Good morning routines can set the tone for your entire day. Plan to start your week off on the right foot by planning to wake up a little earlier for some Monday morning self-care.
“There is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.” – William Shakespeare
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What helps you overcome the Sunday scaries and prepare for the new week? Leave a comment down below and let me know what works for you!
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