Intentional living means to consciously navigate through life by purposely making decisions based on your values and beliefs. A great awakening happened within me in 2020. This post covers how this awakening allowed me to start living my life as intentionally as possible.
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Pre-Pandemic Remi
“Pre-pandemic Remi was a successful millennial female who worked in advertising. She had a good life, worked with amazing people on awesome projects but was unsure of her path. She dreamed of being on this path for years, but now the end goal no longer satisfied her.”
It’s funny looking back at this version of myself because it was so conflicting. I felt so lost and stuck while also feeling so safe and comfortable.
I had a hard time reconciling why I felt so stuck when the path forward seemed so clear. I was in the exact spot I had set my sights on years prior.
But now, as I looked ahead at the game plan I had set for my life, it was no longer desirable to me. I looked at the next step in my career path and no longer felt any urgency to move up the ladder.
What was I supposed to do with this information?
It’s painful knowing you were meant for more while also being so unsure about what to do about it. I had no idea what I wanted in life and had “no time” to even think about what to do about it.
When Life Hands You Lemons
The Covid-19 global pandemic forced us all to drastically shift how we do things. It knocked us out of our routines and redefined what was “normal.”
The stay-at-home orders slowed down life and forced me to figure out how to get through the seclusion. I was grateful for the privilege to work safely from home and for the opportunity to finally have the time to evaluate the type of life I wanted post-pandemic.
I explored different interests and became more self-aware. It was the self-discovery deep dive I never knew I needed.
Wake Up Call
2020 was painful in so many ways, but it was vital for my personal development journey.
Uncertainty is uncomfortable and it’s unnerving not to know what’s going to happen next.
As humans, we tend to gravitate towards the path of least resistance. The course that’s predictable and allows us to have the most feeling of control.
But if 2020 taught us anything, it’s that life as a whole is unpredictable. You have no idea what will happen next, so you have to be present and enjoy the now.
Life is short, and I realized that I need to be as intentional as possible with my time. I want to focus my time on things that matter to me and give me energy.
Why spend time doing things that no longer serve me? Why not go after exactly what I want in life and see what happens?
Related post: Books I Read That Got Me Through 2020
Who I Am Now
A great awakening happened within me in 2020. I have never felt so awake and present in my life. I’ve defined the type of life I want and have decided to just go for it.
I learned that you can’t wait for the “time to be right” to go after what you want. You never know what life will throw your way – and that’s okay!
I’ve learned to embrace uncertainty and focus more on the “next right step” that moves me in the right direction.
And now, I can proudly say that this is who I am:
“Remi is a successful millennial female who is fully present in her life, listens to her intuition, and pursues endeavors that feel right to her soul. Her path is uncertain, but she trusts herself enough to take the leap.”
Here are some key takeaways I’ve learned from this experience:
- Listen to your intuition and take time to discover why you’re feeling the way you do.
- Everything happens for a reason. Practice actively looking for opportunities in every situation.
- Practice being mindful and present in your life. Notice when you’re living in your head and practice bringing your attention to the present moment.
- Be intentional with your time. Discover what gives and drains your energy, and learn to allocate your time appropriately.
- Focus on the “next right step” instead of getting too caught up in what may happen in the future. Trust that you’ll know how to navigate whatever comes your way down the line.
Related post: 5 Simple Ways to Live More Intentionally
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