Hi friends! It’s the start of a new month, so time for another Month in Review blog!
This one will be a little different because it’s also the start of a brand new year.
Finally! GOODBYE, 2020!
So, let’s get into it!

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Lessons from 2020
2020 was lowkey traumatizing. It was a reckoning that shook up how we lived, forced us to slow down, and was overall REALLY stressful.
We took so many things for granted before 2020: teachers, grocery stores, mail people, hair cuts, eating at a restaurant, travel, concerts, etc.
This year was full of heartache, pain, stress – but there was also a lot of good that came out of the year!
Thanks to 2020, I’ve never been more appreciative of the little things in life.
2020 made me more empathetic.
It made me more aware of what’s happening in the world and its impact on the environment.
It reminded me of the power of the vote and how I can (and should) hold others and myself accountable.
I pay more attention to where my money goes, who I vote for, and who I give my time to.
I know myself better than I ever have and have a better idea of what I want for my future.
I’ve come to terms with life’s fragility, which made me enjoy/live my life more!
And I’ve learned to embrace who I am and all my imperfections.
So, yes. 2020 was a reckoning, but I know it all happened for a reason.
I’m a stronger and better human because of it.
January 2021 Goals
The new year signifies a “fresh start” and what better way to start the new year than with a clean house.
Things build up over the year, so January will be dedicated to decluttering and going through everything once again. That way I can make room for new things and hobbies!
Sadly, it also means that my beloved holiday decor will be coming down by the end of the month.
But with the holiday decor gone, that gives me more space to decorate in other ways!
Related post: How to Reset Your Life for The New Season
Reading brought me great joy in 2020 because it helped me escape the screen.
This month my goal is to finish five books, and one of them has to be from a genre outside of what I usually read.
I’m excited because I now have a Lifestyle by Remi Bookshop where you can find all the books that I recommend or are on my reading list!
I love Bookshop because their mission is to support local, independent bookstores financially.
They do this by creating an easy way to buy your book online and still support local businesses. To read more about their mission, check out this Wired article here.
Related post: Books I Read That Got Me Through 2020
The restaurant industry is hurting because of this pandemic.
Although cooking saves money, I want to make it a goal to order from new restaurants this month.
This will force me to try new things while also supporting local businesses!
Related posts: Month in Review + December 2020 Goals
Final Thoughts
2020 was a year of extreme growth for me. I became a stronger and better human because of everything that happened.
As we head into 2021, let’s continue focusing on growth and making the most of this unusual time in our lives.
Let’s appreciate, enjoy, and just LIVE our lives to the fullest.
Cheers to us and what’s to come in 2021!
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What goals are you setting for yourself this month?
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This contains affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Please read the full disclosure here.
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