Do you ever have days where you can’t shake the tiredness? In this post, we talk about how to recharge yourself when you feel drained.
Mental exhaustion and burnout can happen when you’re overworked or have persistent stress that overwhelms you for a period of time.
When you’re mentally exhausted, you feel overwhelmed, tired, and unproductive. You don’t feel like doing anything. Then in response, become anxious because you’re not as productive as you “should be.”
Unfortunately, we live in a society where constantly working and being productive is glorified. The idea of rest (at least in America) tends to have negative connotations.
Rest is considered indulgent, but the reality is, our minds and bodies need rest to perform at our best.
If you’re feeling mentally or physically exhausted, know that it’s okay to take time for rest and self-care. You will have days where you feel off – it’s totally normal.
Listen to your body and what it needs. Allow yourself to rest so that you can recharge your batteries and come back ready to go!
Here are some ways to recharge yourself and make the most of your time of rest.
Related post: Nighttime Routine Habits for Better Sleep Quality

How to Recharge Yourself
Process your thoughts and feelings.
Take a beat to review and evaluate the thoughts and feelings that take up space in your mind.
Discern what thoughts are facts and release the ones that you’ve created in your mind.
We often waste our energy dwelling on stories that we’ve created in our minds.
Try to let go of those made-up thoughts and refrain from giving them any more attention.
Come back to the present moment.
Don’t get stuck living in the past or the future.
The only thing you can influence is the present moment. The past already happened, and you can’t control what ends up happening in the future.
If you find your mind wandering, try picking one thing in the room to focus on and start pointing out all the details. This is one way you can practice mindfulness and come back to the present.
Related post: 16 Relaxing Mindfulness Activities for Adults
Get fresh air.
Fresh air from being outside can help keep you alert and improve your energy levels.
In fact, studies show that being outside increases energy levels by 90%.
So, crack open that window! Or find a way to get outside for a bit.
Sometimes a change of scenery is all it takes to shake you out of a funk.
Do a digital detox.
Take a break from fast forms of media like social media and watching the news/entertainment.
Mindless scrolling takes us out of the present, and the influx of information can drain our energy.
So, put your phone down and walk away from the TV. Rest your eyes and take a breather.
Go to bed early.
Get ready for bed early and REST.
Take your time while doing your night routine (and maybe add some extra steps!).
Slow down and take care of yourself.
Consider not setting the alarm and allowing yourself to sleep for however long you need.
Take breaks throughout the day.
Step away from whatever you’re doing and sit on the couch.
Relax your mind and recharge your batteries for a bit.
Take a mental health day at work.
Sometimes you need an extra day to focus solely on recharging yourself.
Good companies will allow you to take time to decompress because they want the best work from you.
It’s okay to put yourself first, especially when it comes to your mental health.
Connect with family or friends.
Find your tribe of people that can help you through what you’re going through.
There’s something really restorative about great conversations with good friends.
It’s like they know just what to say, right when you need it.
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Hi Remi,
I was excited to hear about the big changes in your life. There are times in everyone’s life when you just have to take a deep breathe, be brave, and make the big leap of faith to find a new direction, a new relationship, a new occupation that you absolutely LOVE!! When you do this your purpose just naturally begins to unfold. Happiness is a conscious choice, I’m proud of you for finding it.
Love you,❤️🥰 Auntie Shar
Hi Auntie Shar,
Thank you so much for supporting me in everything I do! This new chapter is a big one but I’m excited about it. I can’t wait to see what happens and I can’t wait for the day that we can get together again and talk about everything going on.
Miss and love you!
Hi, There
I found this blog post on Pinterest and really enjoyed it. Thank you so much for the reminder to rest and recharge!