Hey everyone! I turned 30 yesterday and I initially thought this video would be about all the things I learned in my 20s. But as I reflected upon the past decade of my life, all I could think about was how immensely grateful I am for all the experiences. All the ups, downs, whirlwinds, mistakes, struggles, etc., because everything happens for a reason.
In my 20s, I thought I had to have the world figured out. I felt I had to know what I wanted to be, who I wanted to become. I used to get so frustrated. But, now that I’m 30, I’ve come to realize how much of a baby you are in your 20s. Yes, you are technically an adult, but there is still so much that you need to figure out and explore.
At 30 years old, I’m still continuously working on myself and continuing my personal growth journey. But now, instead of resenting the growth process, I’ve learned to embrace and enjoy it. Life is unpredictable and abundant. There is so much opportunity out there if we are willing to put ourselves out there, be open to it, and go for it.
I’m so happy and thankful to be where I am in this life. Gratitude changed my perspective and helped me seek the good in all situations. It’s helped me navigate through tough times and find the good in ALL things.
Gratitude changed my outlook on life, and it keeps me present so that I can relish every moment.
In this video, you’ll find five ways to start practicing gratitude daily. Enjoy!! ✨
Check out these posts to learn even more about starting a gratitude practice:
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