Are you looking for ideas on how to spend a day in Los Angeles? Here’s a half-day itinerary in LA/Miracle Mile area that includes two major museums and a historical landmark!
You can see what it’s like to do all of the below in my YouTube video.
PS You can find more LA itineraries and things to do in LA on my YouTube channel linked here. Make sure to subscribe so you can stay up-to-date!

Los Angeles Day Itinerary
First things first, let’s head out to Comoncy for some breakfast and coffee. This restaurant is located about a mile away from both LACMA and Academy Museum. I chose this spot because of the location, plus it has free wifi and outdoor seating.
The Original Farmer’s Market is also nearby, and they also have lots of great food options.
(Check out this video to learn more about what it’s like at the Grove and Original Farmer’s Market in LA.)
Next, let’s head over to the museums. LACMA, Academy Museum, and the La Brea Tar Pits museum are located right next to each other on Wilshire & Fairfax. But today, we’ll be visiting LACMA and Academy because they’re the closest in proximity to each other.
What is the Academy Museum?
The first museum we’ll stop at is the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures which is hands down one of my favorite museums in Los Angeles.
It is the largest museum in the United States devoted to celebrating the arts and sciences of movie-making.
How much are tickets?
- Advance ticket reservation is required to visit with General Admission tickets ranging from $0 to $25.
What Will I See at the Museum?
Special exhibits, like The Oscars Experience, film screenings, and other public programs are ticketed separately. The average visit time, according to the Academy website, is about two hours.
The Academy Museum shows love for ALL aspects of filmmaking. It really gives you a peak behind the curtain of some of the most iconic films in history and provides a better understanding of the “movie magic” process.
The exhibitions are immersive and tell the stories behind each of the movies–how they were made, the technology, art, history, social impact, and more behind each of them.
You’ll see not only the ins and outs of specific movies but also an incredible collection of costumes, drawings, screenplays, production designs, and more.
The “Stories of Cinema” exhibition is the museum’s core three-floor exhibition that explores the complex and diverse stories of moviemakers, their influence, and the science behind the “magic.”
The exhibitions are ever-evolving and special exhibits may only be there for a limited time. You can discover more about when certain exhibits will be available through the Academy Museum website (which I’ll link down below in the description).
Before you head out, make sure you to visit the top-level balcony which has an awesome view of Los Angeles and the Hollywood Sign.
Academy Museum also has a bar and cafe where you can relax for a bit before moving on with your day.
What is LACMA?
The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, or LACMA, is the largest art museum in the western United States with a collection of nearly 149,000 objects.
As stated on their website, LACMA’s mission is to “serve the public through the collection, conservation, exhibition, and interpretation of significant works of art from a broad range of cultures and historical periods.”
LACMA was originally established as a part of the LA Museum of History, Science and Art in Exposition Park in 1910. Eventually, the art collection outgrew the space available at the original location and was moved to its own, separate location on Wilshire Blvd.
In 1961, LACMA became a separate art-focused museum and the museum in Exposition Park was renamed the “Natural History Museum.”
(Check out this video to see what it’s like to visit the Natural History Musem.)
How much are tickets?
- Walk up tickets are available but advanced timed reservations are highly recommended because timeslots do sell out.
- General admission tickets are also $0-$25.
- LACMA has free general admission days for all visitors on the second Tuesday of each month.
- LA County residents also receive free general admission Monday through Friday after 3pm.
What Will I See at the Museum?
Like Academy Museum, LACMA is constantly evolving and special exhibits will change often.
The exhibition on display at the time of filming my YouTube video showcased the work of Alexander McQueen.
To see what exhibitions are currently available, you’ll want to check their website which shows both current and upcoming exhibits.
Last but certainly not least, check out the Urban Light installation by artist Chris Burden. The installation is free to visit and is outside of LACMA on Wilshire Blvd.
Ray’s and Stark Bar is the closest restaurant next to the LACM. I’ve only grabbed a few snacks there so I can’t give good feedback on the food there.
Here are some places in the area that I recommend grabbing a bite to eat at:
- KazuNori: The Original Hand Roll Bar
- Jon & Vinny’s Fairfax
- The Original Farmer’s Market
- Yuko’s Kitchen (I have not been here, but it’s been on my list for FOREVER)
- Met Her At A Bar
- Republique
READ NEXT: A Guide to the Los Angeles Exposition Park Museums
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