Humans have an awful rep.
And it’s no wonder that we do when we see statistics like:
- More than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into the ocean every year.
- Over 90% of all seabirds have plastic in their stomachs
- In 2016, 91% of the world population lived in places where the World Health Organization’s air quality guidelines were not met.
It’s not like humans don’t recognize the impact they have on the earth.
In fact, according to a Harvard Business Review survey, “65% of consumers said they want to buy purpose-driven brands that advocate sustainability, yet only about 26% do so.”
Many of us have well-intended thoughts, but then don’t take the next step to do anything about it.
Does this sound like you?
I admit that this sounded like me.
I would get so upset whenever I saw videos of trash in the ocean.
Yet, I didn’t hold myself accountable for being a part of the problem.
It’s so easy for us to go through the motions and not pay attention to the little choices we make in our daily lives.
All the actions we take (no matter how small) can impact the world.
A sustainable lifestyle doesn’t need to be a dramatic shift or break the bank.
Sustainable living starts with small intentional choices to minimize the impact on our earth.
It’s us being thoughtful about how we interact with the planet to sustain its natural resources.
So, keep reading to find 20 easy habit swaps to save the environment.
Related post: 13 Quotes About Making a Difference in the World

20 Easy Ways to Save the Environment
1. Recycle
This one seems to be the most obvious. Still, I wanted to include it because so many of us don’t know how to properly recycle or know what labels to look for (which is more important than you think!).
I encourage you to check out these tips from Recycle Across America to ensure you know how to do it right.
2. Bamboo toothbrushes
Did you know plastic toothbrushes can take over 1000 years to decay? Bamboo toothbrushes are better because they are biodegradable.
Bamboo is also one of the fastest-growing plants, so there is no worrying about running out of it any time soon!
3. Bring travel cups, mugs, or containers.
Reduce using one-time cups by asking if you can have your drink poured in your reusable cup or mug.
Or, instead of buying a pack of plastic water bottles at the store, choose to refill your reusable water bottles instead.
4. Shop eco-friendly brands
Support businesses that are doing their part in making the world more sustainable.
Giving money and attention to these brands will encourage other companies to be more mindful of how their products are produced.
It will prove the importance of sustainability to a consumer’s purchase decision.
5. Reusable face masks!
The images of all the masks that can be found in the ocean right now is disheartening and thinking of the long term effects this will have on many ecosystems is a hard pill to swallow.
So, if and when possible, please choose reusable masks and make sure disposable ones make it to the trash.
6. Use less tissue or paper towels.
It’s easy to go through paper towels and toilet paper quickly without even thinking about it. We use it every day!
Consider cutting your paper towel sheets in half instead of using the full sheet, especially for smaller clean ups.
7. Eat less meat or go full vegetarian.
It’s not new news that meat is not raised and produced in an eco-friendly way. 70% of the world’s footprint is in animal products.
I’m not saying that you have to suddenly go meatless but rather I encourage you to be more “meat conscious.”
We can all help the planet (and our health) in a big way if we reduce the amount of meat we consumed.
8. Reuse products
The first example of this that comes to mind is all the reused cottage cheese and to-go containers my grandma (and many other Asian American families) have in our pantries.
Who needs Tupperware when you get perfectly, well-made containers from restaurants and products you bought in the store.
This is one of many simple ways to turn “single-use” plastics into something used over and over.
9. Take shorter showers and reduce the number of baths.
This one is especially important if you live in California, where draughts are unfortunately very common.
But for those of you who aren’t located in the desert, you still want to be mindful of your time and how long you’re spending in the shower.
10. Be mindful of how you wash your dishes.
Bring attention to how you wash your dishes the next time you need to. Are you running the water the entire time?
Is there another way to do this that reduces the amount of water you use?
11. Bring reusable bags when shopping.
The grocery store industry made huge strides towards making reusable bags a thing.
Unfortunately, reusable bags were banned from grocery stores because of COVID, but as of September 2020, many chains allow you to bring them again.
The one caveat is that you may have to bag your own items, which will test how you hold yourself accountable. Stay strong!
12. Reuse paper or plastic bags from shopping
They say the lifecycle of a plastic bag from a store is 15 minutes. So, try to find ways to reuse bags if you ever do need to use ones from the store.
Here are a few ways to reuse bags:
- Use for small trash cans.
- Use trader joe’s paper bags for recycling products
- Crotchet with plastic bags
13. Reusable straws
Plastic straws are not biodegradable. They live on for a long time, and when they do degrade, they become microplastics.
Plastic straws quickly make it to our oceans due to their size. They are the 7th most collected waste item on our beaches.
Thankfully alternatives are accessible and out there for us to use if we need it to drink (check out these cute reusable boba straws!).
So, please consider bringing your own reusable or compostable straws if you need it.
14. Buy household cleaning items in alternative plastic containers or bulk.
The most common place to find plastics are around everyday household items that we buy.
Consider cutting back on plastic packaging by either buying items in bulk or in containers that aren’t plastic (yes, you can buy dish soap in a carton!).
15. Click ‘no’ on getting plastic utensils on your to-go orders.
I’ve noticed that when I order on Postmates, some restaurants let me choose whether or not I need to-go utensils.
Now, of course, there may be situations where you do need utensils. Still, even them just asking this question is great because it brings our attention to whether or not we need the utensils. Again, helping us achieve our goal to be mindful!
16. Bike or walk
Biking or walking instead of driving your car is a great way to positively impact your environment while also getting some movement into your day. One less car on the road can make a difference.
17. Make sure your car is routinely maintained.
Do your part by making sure your car is always up to EPA standards! According to the NRDC, “If all Americans kept their tires properly inflated, we could save 1.2 billion gallons of gas each year.
A simple tune-up can boost miles per gallon anywhere from 4 percent to 40 percent, and a new air filter can get you a 10 percent boost.”
18. Pull the plugs when you’re not using them.
There are many ways the production of energy impacts our environment. This is why we should try to find ways to conserve energy and be mindful of turning things off (or pulling the plug) when they’re not in use.
19. Change light bulbs to compact fluorescent.
Switching to fluorescent light bulbs can help reduce energy use, which means fewer greenhouse gases are released into the environment.
20. Use Your Voice
Last but not least, using your voice to encourage others to be more environmentally conscious is a powerful way to make an impact.
You can do this effectively by:
- Talking to your friends and family
- Posting about the environment and eco-friendly alternatives on social media
- Reaching out to your elected officials
- Voting for measures that will positively impact the environment
It’s essential to be conscious of how our decisions impact the greater good.
Small habit changes can have a significant impact on the world around us.
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